Friday, July 31, 2020

Low on Fuel...

Music was the fuel we ran on. The dreams of future past.

Each flip of an album showing us where we’d been, where we were, and where we were going.

Much more than just music, the messages clicked, brought instant recognition to things we understood in a more visceral way, that had now been given voice.

The musicians, our tribe.

Unhurried hours pressed up against waist-high wood bins at The Penguin Feather Head Shop & Record Store. Colorful albums organized A through Z, punctuated by alphabet cops, letter signs held high above the crowd, trail markers.

Patchouli marinade, quadraphonic sound… stunning album art, equally anticipated.

Looking for answers, looking for ourselves.


Fast forward too many years to name comfortably.

Vinyl and CD’s, little more than dust magnets.

Shouting out instructions to Siri or Alexa, play this, play that. Frustrated by her lack of depth. No memory of a time when artists reached out to us with songs we had brewing inside, eager for release.

Music now more background than fore, piped down every isle. We maneuver a cart around the heavy older woman, her scooter parked next to the pinto beans, considering her options. Struggling to reach without leaving the safety of her chair, wrapped up in ancient tie dye, fading peace signs, a mane of grey hair…and blue.

Still tangled up in blue.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

On the Road Again...

Throwback: July 24, 2013

Those were the daze for her. Brutal 16 hour shifts, back to back, a marathon party awash with alcohol and cash, entertaining and serving the inmates.
No eye in the hurricane. No respite.
July 2013

Hannah has been having a hard time staying in one place for so long. Three months now, back in Venice Beach, working at the infamous Whaler Bar.

So when she booked a one way ticket to Fiji, her spirits lifted and started to soar with the anticipation of being on the road again.

She's heading off for a 25 day yoga retreat where she will pick up another certification, and then move on again. Where to? She doesn't know, and loves it to be that way.

For her, too much planning spoils the surprise.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Feet A Blur...

I'm happier than I look.

Ecstatic really.

Shellfish scented breezes dance off water, caressing skin cradled in hammock arms.
Pandora doing her best to please...

I'm coming up empty handed for something to bitch about. Not even a totally insignificant first world problem. I'm like that little black kid on PBS who boasted: “My future is so bright I need to wear shades!"

OK, maybe I'm not like that little black kid. He's young and beautiful, I generally look like I spent the last five days floating face down brackish water, but you get my point.

I'm excited. Snoopy dancing on his doghouse, feet a blur...

Why? Because I'm living in the miracle.

All of it. All of us.

The meaning of life is life itself.

That's the gift. Be present, wallow in it.

Alamo Plaza...

My Great Great Grandpa’s house in Alamo Plaza.

Samuel Maverick and my Great Great Grandma, Mary, were among the first white settlers in San Antonio, Texas.

Sam fought for Texas’ independence from Mexico, even spending time as a POW in a Mexican prison. He was a signer of the Texas Declaration of Independence, and Mayor of San Antonio 1839-1840.

An attorney, Sam was once paid a debt in cattle, but not being a cattleman, he didn’t brand them. When people spotted unbranded cattle running free, they were assumed to be “Mavericks”. That coined the term to mean “out of the box”, “Independent” or “unorthodox”.

I appreciate that spin and have always tried to do my part.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

What’s for Breakfast?

 What’s for Breakfast?

(More like lunch, actually. I’ve been up since 2:30)

Sliced peaches. Drizzled & sliced avocado. A Philly Cheese Steak.

Not just any Philly Cheese Steak though, this one was Alton Brown’s contribution to the “sandwich” episode of “The Best Thing I Ever Ate” on the Food Network.

That channel has all my favorite people on it: Geoffrey Zakarian, Anne Burell, Alton Brown, Michael Symon, Guy Fieri, and many others, including my life guru and hero, Bobby Flay.

What’s in the sandwich?

Couldn’t be much easier: Fresh crusty bread to hold good quality beef, onions, salt & pepper, all diced in a pan with 3 or 4 slices of melted American cheese.

That’s it.

Simple & delicious!

(Yes, this is two meals!)

First Class, Please...

The primary advantage of flying first class is to be afforded the opportunity to sneer at the common people as they are herded back to the cheap seats like so many unwashed sheep, clutching their laughably outdated and torn baggage and grease stained paper bags of leftover MacDonald garbage that had been jammed up under the seat of a hot rental car all morning.

You lean right to avoid brushing any of the mucus dripping gaggle, gelatinous spawn bumbling down the isle in front of sweaty parents draped in XXXL Disney T shirts. Everyone splashed with purple vomit from quart sized slushies, heads lowered and eyes averted as the children see what they are missing in their obvious misfortune of having been born into a family of loser parents, aware for the first time that they will never know the clink of chilled glass and the lavender scent of warmed hand towels that are little more than a meaningless throw away up there behind the curtain.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

What’s for Breakfast

What’s for Breakfast?

How about some local flounder so fresh it was swimming for cover yesterday, but didn’t make it home.

This morning it’s kicking back, getting baked. Doing the backstroke in butter & lemon juice with minced onion and Paprika.

A large dollop of garlic Aioli to serve.

All on a bed of “Royal Blend” rice (Texmati, White, Brown, Wild & Red).

As with most restaurants out there, some dishes in my kitchen disappoint.

This isn’t one of them.

Perfectly paired with a pint of homemade Strawberry/lime Kombucha.

No Help Wanted...

July 2018

Turning 62 next month, Carla doesn’t look her age. She does look good in jeans though. Partially that’s due to the fact that she has both good jeans, and good genes. She’s fit, strong, and fast. Unlike her spouse, she never drank, smoked, used illegal substances nor ate an entire turkey and two whole hams at one sitting after smoking appetite enhancers. (He’s a disgusting man.)

These days, if she hasn’t worked at the hospital the night before, she goes to the gym with me in the mornings and runs on the stair machine like the energizer bunny. Her Fitbit reports that on work nights, she logs some 14,000 steps per shift. That’s equivalent to 3.3 miles.

Carla is all go, go, go, until she crashes and sleeps for 12 hours straight. She eats the same way, not hungry, no thanks, not now, maybe later…then it’s 24 hours of Blue Bell Vanilla Chocolate Chip Ice Cream in gallon containers, and seafood.

Some years ago, Carla was queen of her body pump class. Skinny and stronger than the average human. I had been doing my thing in the weight room upstairs, acting all manly and making pig sounds as I threw dumbbells around with disgust. I decided to humor Carla’s invitation to come to one of her “lady’s classes”. No big deal, I thought. Give the little ladies a break.

But it was a big deal, a very big deal. They broke me. Not only was I humiliated in the class itself, whimpering and crying softly in the back, I was pretty much paralyzed for a week. Too sore to move a pinkie.

She just laughed at me, no damn sympathy at all.

At 112 pounds, Carla was getting obnoxious, boasting of her physical prowess, and claiming that she could lift almost anything. I wanted to call her bluff and allowed, insisted really, that she carry anything heavy that needed carrying whenever we were together. Six grocery bags at once while I only carry the car keys. That couch needs to be moved over there? I’ll bet you can do it by yourself.

I’ll watch.

It became something of a joke between us.

I had a perfect opportunity to dare her to show her stuff when we went to Home Depot for garden supplies. Heavy bags of top soil and fertilizer, huge bales of peat moss, 40-pound landscape stones. She piled everything up on a flat steel dolly. I ambled alongside as she muscled it out to our truck. Passing people on their way in, most gave me dirty looks while Carla pushed the dolly, red faced and breathing deeply. We laughed, knowing that they probably assumed that either I had just undergone a hernia operation, or more likely, that I was a huge pile of excrement in human form.

When we got to the truck, everything had to be loaded up, manhandled (woman handled) onto the tailgate and pushed back on the flatbed. All big, awkward, heavy stuff. I sat on one side of the tailgate just whistling and looking at the birds, as she wrestled to get each huge thing up and onto the flatbed. 

It seemed like every man that was coming or going in that lot, rushed over quickly to help Carla, their wives glaring daggers at me. I’d tell them: “Oh, she’s fine. She can do it. We don’t need help, thanks.” Carla huffing and puffing, both of us hiding our laughter.

It almost came to blows with one guy, he insisted on helping until I told him that I was the husband. I guess he figured it was our business. “Poor woman” he must have thought “why would she stay with a jerk like that?”

He may have a point, Carla could do better, but it has nothing to do with her insistence on loading the truck by herself or my true pleasure in seeing her do it.


Tuesday, July 7, 2020

When I Get to Heaven..

John Prine sings:
“When I get to heaven, I'm gonna shake God's hand
Thank him for more blessings than one man can stand
Then I'm gonna get a guitar and start a rock-n-roll band
Check into a swell hotel, ain't the afterlife grand?
And then I'm gonna get a cocktail, vodka and ginger ale
Yeah, I'm gonna smoke a cigarette that's nine miles long
I'm gonna kiss that pretty girl on the tilt-a-whirl
'Cause this old man is goin' to town”
And I must admit, it sounds like a plan.

But I’ll have welcome baggage to declare because these guys want to go everywhere with me, all the time. I love that!

You see MY idea of heaven is to have every one of my dogs that crossed the rainbow bridge before me, racing up to my side, mobbing me with dog kisses… all of them excited and healthy again.

Wow, Layla, your hair looks so thick and clean!

Kira! You’ve lost weight!

Sasha! I brought your Chuckit and your red tennis ball!

Emmie, I’ve got a pocket full of dried worms for you! Your favorite dog jerky!
Gwen, amazing! You can see me now that your eyes work again! They're beautiful, so big and brown!
Ohio, my big girl! Are you finding plenty of rabbits and squirrels to chase here?
Lilly, you must be taking a lot of showers, you’ve never smelled this good before!
Rufus! Look at you! No longer swollen and uncomfortable! You look lean and happy! Lets find some woods to run in later!
Anne! So good to see you bounce back from that nasty lyme desease! I told you to stay away from those damn raccoons and their ticks!

Then I’ll do the introductions:
Hey guys, this is Chica and Coco. They’ve been taking good care of me. I’ve told them about each of you. They go everywhere with me and wanted to stay close, just like they always do, following me room to room, so they came along too. You’ll like them

We’re going to have a ball!

Who wants to go for a ride in the car? Actually, I arranged for a bus. We need the extra seating!

Right now though, lets find the nearest couch so we can all huddle up together for a little while.

My friend John is right…ain’t the afterlife grand?



When the virus takes a break and  you’re able to visit again, I’ll brew another batch of this Strawberry/Lime Kombucha just for you. 

It's ¼ cup organic strawberry puree and one drop of doTERRA Lime essential oil per pint for the second brew.

This just may be the best damn drink of any kind that I’ve ever had, anywhere, anytime, since my birth…or at least in recent memory. Of course, I can’t remember what I had for dinner, but that’s beside the point.

The important part is…this stuff is delicious. Sweet, tart, and fruity, almost like an adult smoothie.

Now I’m looking forward to experimenting with many of the other oils you sent me.

Don’t worry, I’ll be careful. I’ve learned to put on my glasses and read labels very carefully!
I have PTSD from when I was brushing my teeth without my glasses last month and put a drop of oregano oil on my toothbrush instead of orange as I usually do.

That shit lit me up!

Two hours of sucking an ice cube with my lips looking like a baboon’s ass.

Hope to see you soon.

Love Always,
Ice pop

Watching the Wheels go Round...

Met a new friend on our morning walk today. He was sitting on the bench down by the dam, just watching the wheels go round. 

We talked, telling lies like old men do. He's 64, used to be a member of an English band. He stays out of the limelight these days. Apparently, everyone thinks he died years ago, like his friends Jim and Jimi, back in the 1970’s and 80’s. 

For their own sanity, they like to keep it that way.

We spoke of second chances.

He said he’s still married to the girl he met way back then. Is she from around here? I asked. “Oh no”. “She’s a Japanese beetle” he bragged. I just  just saw her standing there and knew she was the one. Now they have “a beautiful, beautiful, boy” all grown up.

 Can you imagine?

Looking up, he noted: ‘Here comes the sun. I’ve got to get back. I’m just a jealous guy even though I know my lady would never cheat on me, oh no! But since I started over, after walking away and getting help,  I learned all you need is love, and I love her!”

Said his name was John. Very mellow dude.

"Pretty" is Just the Packaging...

As a so called "Instagram Influencer" Hannah's posts are followed by more than a half a million people. Mostly women, age 24 to 38 who come for the yoga.
But there are many girls in their teens who benefit tremendously from hearing some truth about self-care that goes beyond the health and fitness norm.
I’m proud of the kinds of missives Hannah delivers to young women.
Too many girls have grown up surrounded by the advertising and cultural brainwashing that pushes young women to become “pleasers”… to play some kind of a support role, more follower than leader.
That’s bullshit, of course.
So I love to see these messages that encourage her followers to become almost militant in their quest to become nothing less than their own, independent, best selves.



That’s what the ad said. Not reading further to find out that this was a conversion service that digitized old family videos, I bit.

Immediately I thought; “Wow, degrading videos? You’ve come to the right place!”

I remembered the torn cardboard box hidden away on the floor of my closet. All those films of horrifically degrading and disgusting things Carla used to make me do when we were younger…in a big box of old VHS videotapes.

Now I realize that I should have read the entire ad. I shipped out the whole box, thinking I was going to make big bucks, that they were going to buy them from me!

But no. They wanted $98.00 for the conversion itself and another $50.00 for “special handling”.

I didn’t even want to ask what “special handling” meant.

But even an old dog can learn new stuff, I misunderstood their meaning of degrading.

So I looked it up.

1) causing a loss of self-respect; humiliating.
2) to pass from a higher grade or class to a lower

Now I’m confused because it seems like they both mean the same thing…

The Missing Towel

Drove up to my usual parking space in front of the gym. Turned off the car, stashed my wallet and iPhone in the overhead compartment, automatically reached over to grab my gym towel off the passenger seat and opened my door to get out. Looked back at the passenger seat where I keep my gym towel, wondering why it was missing. Got halfway out of the car, leaned in to look around for the missing towel...with my left hand full of towel on the steering wheel as I glared down and around the passenger seat.

Nowhere! Shit! Need my towel!

Got back in and sat down, knowing that I ALWAYS leave my towel on that seat and the only way it could be missing is if CARLA took it. She probably used it to clean something nasty.

Doing a slow burn over Carla messing with my stuff again, I retrieved my phone to call her and unload. Be nice I kept telling myself, it could be a mistake, something else. Take the high road.

She didn’t answer.

Transferred the towel from my left hand to right so that I could put my window down while I figured out the missing towel dilemma that Carla had so thoughtlessly put me in.

Got out, feeling incomplete and unprepared, I transferred the towel back to my left hand as I pressed the remote to lock the car.

Walked into the gym, feeling naked, towel hanging from my left hand, pissed off that Carla had done this to me.

Eager to finish up quickly and confront her, I hoped she would be home from her graveyard shift when I got back. I was getting myself more worked up thinking of the many times this kind of thing has happened in the past, especially with my tools. She knows how much I hate for her to use and misplace my tools. They always need to be in their specific place! (it’s never her fault when one is missing, always mine).

She does this stuff to me all the time. I can only be pushed so far and I’m going to let her know it.

I'm tired of being Mr Nice Guy. This shit ends today!

Cry Me A River...

My nephew is an international musical superstar. I would reveal his name but out of fear of my being kidnapped and held for ransom, it’s just not safe for me to do so.

Sadly, I’m unsure of just how much of his many millions he would part with to save me anyway. 

Enough for some vending machine snacks but probably not enough for the bad guys to drop me off back home other than in a rolled up oriental rug.

But it was great to have a discussion with such a music “insider”. He asked: “Who cries more, Garth Brooks or Vince Gill?

Apparently both have a designated “crying time” clause in their contracts, allotting water-works for every interview and all spoken time onstage.

As they approach the later stages of their respective careers, the buzz is that they plan to branch out with a joint venture of their own, a service company.

“Cry Me a River” provides grief or joy facilitators for a wide variety of events. Professional criers enhance the experience at weddings and funerals, retirement parties and homecomings. From “Dad’s got cancer of the gizzard and only hours to live, to Betty Jo’s new baby looks fairly normal!” These facilitators can cry in a heartbeat…out of sorrow or joy.

Pricing is the same either way.

It’s an all-male company based on the belief in this country that men don’t cry. The thinking is that something must really be serious if a man in the crowd is sobbing uncontrollably. Others join in automatically.

Crying is contagious.

It’s like one person barfing in a group, the people around him look at it, think about it, smell it, and barf uncontrollably. Everyone joins in, floors get slippery.

That’s an additional service offered by the boys from Nashville.

Projectile vomiting on demand is a great way to clear a room... or maybe a Trump rally.

Then everyone can have a nice cathartic cry afterward.