Friday, January 11, 2019

Bottled Gold...

A friend gave me a jar of his home-made Limoncello for Christmas. Vodka with lemon zest that infuses for a week of nuptial bliss, with simple syrup added to finish. Perfect. I usually drink straight vodka shots from the freezer with a chaser of fruit juice but that gift got me thinking. I remembered the flavored vodkas I used to make as a bachelor 40 years ago. I would save pretty pint bottles throughout the year and fill them up as Christmas gifts for friends.

They were always a big hit.

Now, after going into production mode for the last week, I’m the proud owner of a quart of my own Limoncello, as well as pints of fruit flavored vodkas that don’t have any syrup. 100% proof, made with fresh fruit. Pour over ice and add syrup or mint or whatever. I usually go straight up but the sweet is nice sometimes too.

Lemon, pear, blueberry, mango, raspberry…Kiwi is next up.

They look delicious but I wouldn’t know. January is a no-alcohol, no-smoke month for me. I normally give the liver a break every three months.

I haven’t even tasted them.

If you hear some Lucinda Williams cranked up to “Wow” or maybe that old Johnny Winter album I put on when I’m feeling froggy, rocking the house in February or March, come on in and have a cocktail.

There’s plenty of deliciousness to pick from.

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