Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Most Insidious Drug/the Homogenization of America

Ever since the 1950's when it became commonplace to have a TV set in the home, we have eagerly tied off and shot up massive doses of the most insidious drug ever invented. Long hours of programming over many years has steadily erased individuality. The homogenization of America was accomplished by way of television programming targeted at the lowest common denominator, which it also encouraged to embrace fast food lifestyles and a culture of insatiable consumerism. We lost our way and lost ourselves.

Before the TV drug, our dress and lifestyle largely reflected regional styles. Driving cross-country offered a taste of a diverse and ever changing tableau. Now the main highway through any town USA is indistinguishable, one from the other, and the shared lifestyles and aspirations of the people therein so similar as to make meaningful differentiation's as rare as hen's teeth.

Now the monster has evolved into the master. Young people walk around, thumbs flying, staring into devices, hypnotized and totally unaware of their surroundings. A dozen mimes could try to get past the imaginary glass walls encircling zombie twitters...and go unnoticed. Is it essential that we speak with each other in person? That we acknowledge others in close proximity? Perhaps not, but I don't even want to know what the next generation of electronics and the puppet masters who pull the advertising strings have in store for us...

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