Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Dental Sadism...


3 hours in the chair, using a drill bit on loan from a defunct mining company in Oklahoma...go deep... just to see if we can make the pulp scream.

Conjures bad memories from kid-hood.

That long-ago dentist trained under Dr. Mengele. He hurt me on a regular basis. I believe he enjoyed it.

When I asked him about Novocain, he said: “that's fine for the little ladies”.

I made a mental note to wear a skirt next time.  

Some kind of gender shaming going on there. It's like when Carla and I go to a steak place and they ask me if I want the King cut or the Queen?  What the heck do they expect most men to say…even if they secretly want the smaller portion? Manly men huff up and act like for them, the King is the only possibility.

Not falling for it, I ask: “Is there a petite queen cut? Something cute?”

Yes, I would like to have a steak, but it doesn’t matter. I’m only drinking my meals today anyway.

Where’s Danny Akroyd’s Bass-O-Matic when I could really use one… to make a nice grilled sirloin smoothie?

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