Saturday, November 5, 2016

Instagram Starz...

Hannah’s Instagram account just passed 161,000 followers, 60,000 of those are new this month. She and Pablo are experiencing remarkable growth; advertisers and sponsors are beginning to beat a path to their door.

“Social media is the intersection of tech and culture. Instagram happens to be the fastest growing social media site at the moment with over 400 million users.”

Now to put that into perspective, the most followed human on earth right now is Selena Gomez. Gomez is followed by 69.7 million people, which is more than the entire population of France. Right after her are people like Taylor Swift, Beyonce, Ariana Grande, and yes, Kim Kardashian.

Other pop stars, rappers, and famous athletes make the “top 100” list as do all the rest of the Jenner’s and Kardashians. Certainly that tells us something about our culture and who we admire, at least the young people anyway. But if you’re looking for a little more depth, more substance, take comfort in knowing that National Geographic’s Instagram account weighs in at #10.

Cara Devlinge and Zendaya are in the top 26 but I have no idea who they are.

So maybe having 161,000 followers isn’t exactly earth shattering when you look at it that way, but I can’t help being proud of the fact that there are so many people who want to follow a positive example of health, fitness, and balance. Over 200 newbies every hour of the day, 24-7.

High five to Hannah and Pablo. They kick ass.

Hannah always has.

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