Saturday, October 7, 2017

A Beach Walk

Carla and I enjoyed a breezy stroll down the beach this afternoon.

Both mutts always love it too, but Chicca REALLY enjoys her time there. She runs 100mph after the little sandpipers, looking up, keeping them on her radar, oblivious to the low arc they make when they circle out over the water. The waves quickly put a very wet stop to her chase. Then she’ll get a new burst of adrenaline and race ASAP after a pile of seaweed and trash she spots 500 yards down the beach, convinced that it is the enemy and must be dealt with immediately. Pausing momentarily when the trash turns out to be just trash and not the defiant beach squirrel she suspected it to be, she looks around, suddenly unsure of where she is.

Momentarily frozen as she scans the horizon for clues, Chicca sees my profile in the distance. Then she knows. Suddenly launching herself like a jet catapulted off the deck of a carrier, she’s screaming my way. “Oh my God, it’s him! I love that guy! He’s the best person on the planet!” She couldn’t run at me any faster.

Chicca “rediscovered” me like that 7 or 8 times while we were there. Each time was pure speed and elation for her. She couldn’t be any happier or more excited to find me.

I told Carla that she should take a tip from Chicca’s behavior and treat me the same way, but she was absorbed with more important things, biting at a cuticle and poking a broken shell with her big toe, tuning me out.

That woman has an advanced degree in “Not hearing husband babble”

Carla is a professional..

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