Friday, May 18, 2018


Our bedroom, deck and patio face East, so they catch the first light of dawn. 

The weather here in Northeast Florida over the last few weeks has been exceptional, as nice as any I remember. That statement requires way more than a grain of salt, however, more like an entire salt lick. My memory is like a dirty windshield, cleaned by wipers every time I blink.

Playful breezes cool skin that’s been fired- up by a slight pinch from unfiltered sunshine.
Days like these remind me to mentally stand and applaud. As with everything, we get the other side as well. I need to remember these days when the next hurricane rattles our doors and angry gangs of black clouds rumble overhead. During those weather tantrums, I give the dogs large marrow bones, rubbed, baked and cooled to room temperature as a distraction so they don’t cling to me and shiver. I drink vodka, turn the volume on my stereo up to “Wow”, throw a one finger salute skyward and dare the electricity to go out.

That’s when we appreciate the candles and batteries, the slowly thawing steaks, a reliable propane stove, and memories of days like today.


  1. Absolutely love this! Gonna turn volume up to wow today and dance where my body takes me (and hope the neighbours don't think I'm having a seizure)
