Sunday, June 4, 2017

Don't Worry, It'll Be Alright...

An avalanche of condemnation spewed from the bank of overhead TVs at the gym this morning. “By far the worst move he’s made so far…” “Taking us backward into the stone age…” " a big middle finger to the environment..."

A few of our historically closest allies said that they spoke to Trump in private and tried to explain the Paris Climate Agreement to him in simple terms. “He didn’t seem to understand or care to know…” they said.

I was thinking: “Finally, something so stupid and indefensible that even his base will turn away from him!” Then I flipped over to FOX NEWS. They had on an “expert” from an obscure publication who pronounced Trump’s actions to be nothing less than “brilliant!”. She claimed that the whole accord was a scam, that climate change scientists make it all sound much worse than it is to help them secure more grant money to research it. She insisted that Trump is demonstrating true leadership in taking the lead against such deception.

So there you have it. He did everything possible to show how unqualified and unprepared he was for the job and we elected him anyway.

And he was right, he could shoot somebody on the street and his base wouldn't care.

On the other side, too many of us weren’t crazy about Hillary, even though she was the most experienced and prepared candidate for the presidency in history. But the strength we applaud in a man looks to us like “bitch” in a woman, and the right had been conducting an effective smear campaign against her for years. We thought: "Fuck it. I’m going to sit this one out. Maybe stay home and binge watch “Game of Thrones”. Hell, Trump can’t win anyway."

So yes, my peeps, WE elected this troll.

We all get the god, and the president, we deserve. So suck on that, you know?

Driving home, I listened to Jerry Brown put a positive spin on it all. He claims that the good news is that if Trump doesn’t get us all killed, he is forcing the majority of thinking people to wake up and get involved, to take our civic responsibility seriously. People realize they can no longer be lackadaisical, and that apathy is a luxury we can no longer afford.

I choose to believe that he’s right, well, left, and that good people who care about each other, and the Earth, will prevail.

For me, It can’t happen soon enough.

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