Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Ultimate Scam

I was raised “High Episcopalian”singing in a much acclaimed choir of men and boys that generated my first regular paycheck. Yes, they paid us kids...we sang for the Queen in Westminster Abbey, made several albums... I loved it, even though it took up 3 nights a week and long hours on Sundays. But the church, the priests...just turned me off to the blatant outrage of the scam they were perpetuating...a bunch of loosers, all of them. Too weak to survive in the real world . Closet pedophiles, drunks, liars...they stole the collection monies, they pontificated and acted superior, preaching against everything they were themselves...just terrible people. I know they aren't all like that but when anyone starts wielding that sword of guilt & superstition...I get a bit hostile. Lets ask the Pope, for instance:“How dare you? How dare you wear those expensive clothes and strut around all over the globe as CEO of a tax free corporation that is the largest land-holder of the most expensive real estate in the world?" And then vomit out your spin on Jesus and humility...and the need for all of us to fall to our knees with overwhelming guilt for breathing air? What's the inevitable solution? (drum roll ) yes, it's to give you money!!! I don't think so. In case you haven't noticed, a lot of things in our society are changing quickly, very quickly, it's all thanks to the electronic highway we ride these days. It so greatly accelerates the evolution. You can no longer hide so comfortably in that fungal damp of your complicit shadows anymore...your medieval days, and ways, are numbered.

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