Tuesday, August 25, 2020

The Ballad of Billy Jack...


It was so sad to see them like this.

Him on a stretcher, her sniveling...Kleenex dabbing in her wheelchair.

Billy Jack and Delores Taylor had once been so vibrant. You have to wonder what happened to them.

What went wrong?

Do you think the fact that she slept upside down in the basement during daylight hours could have had anything to do with it? In her case, was “deathly pale” more literal than not? Was Billy frustrated with mistaking his wife for a Kombucha scoby. floating like a gelatinous loogie in a sea of vinegar?

There’s a new book coming out. An expose on the life and mysterious demise of Billy and Delores.

The bombshell revelation is something we’ve all suspected from time to time.

It was Joan Baez music that killed them.

Apparently, they played it seven days a week for thirty years. Those oh-so-sincere dog whistle protest songs reached out and murdered, song by song.

Inoperable ear cancer.

Looking back, it’s obvious in hindsight that like a house wrapped in asbestos, pumping water from Flint and filled to the brim with radon gas…an early death was inevitable.

Personally, if I had listened to Joan Baez music that often for thirty years, I would welcome an early death.

But maybe that's just me...

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