Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Thanks, Donnie!

Thanks Donald Trump!

This morning, I’m an optimist.

I thoroughly believe Trump and his clan will be badly trounced in the 2020 elections. Shown the door. Kicked to the curb. I still have faith that there are more good people in this country than bad. Overly simplified perhaps, but true.

“The greatness of a nation can be judged by how it treats its weakest members”

We were raised to believe the inscription on the Statue of Liberty: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

We are stronger together.

But “We the people” means everyone, not only the very rich.
This current impeachment will mainly serve to highlight more examples of Trump’s lawless pattern of putting self before country.


We’re sick of it. Sick of him, sick of his corruption and his sniveling cronies, many of whom are now in jail, just tired of it all.

He doesn’t hide it. When confronted with his lies, even those on video, he denies. The inventor of “fake news” fully believes that no matter how outrageous it may be, the more he says it, the more it rings true for the lynch mob mentality of his followers.

There’s no changing their minds. Don’t bother trying. Facts don’t matter.

But there is some good news out there, and it’s big.

Trump has awakened a sleeping giant. It’s the giant of complacency that has finally gotten pissed off, ready to fight. Trump has shown us just how completely devoid of any redeeming qualities a man can be. He is, without question, the most hateful and despicable president in modern history. The problem is that it was well known before he was elected. It was out there for all to see. His exhaustively well documented history of lying, cheating, stiffing his vendors and throwing his partners under the bus. Trump was considered to be the bottom of the barrel in the already sleazy world of New York City Real Estate.

He was known to be an unrepentant and pathological liar. We knew of his indiscretions, his cheating, bragging about it all on the radio to Howard Stern.

Remember when we were taught that “Honesty is the best policy?” Remember when marriage meant “till death do us part?”

In 2016 it was all out there for us to see, but we were too comfortable with the status quo to get out of our Lazy Boy recliner and go vote.

46.9% of eligible voters…just…stayed…home.


That’s disgusting. Many of my fellow veterans fought and died to protect our right to vote. Millions, billions of people around the world wish they had that right.

President Kennedy’s main speechwriter said that the most important thing a president does, other than in time of war, is to lead by example. Trump has done exactly that. He has shown us the results of having a president who is a pathological liar with a severe narcissistic personality disorder and is woefully incompetent and uneducated as well. He doesn't want to read or learn or grow. Doesn't believe in science. Calls our own FBI "Scum". Do you want your kid to emulate this president?

Now many of his “best people” are in jail, our Allies laughing and distrustful of us as we abandon our position of leadership on the world stage. Even with the low unemployment numbers that Trump loves to tout, many people need three jobs just to barely make ends meet.

The rich are doing better than ever though. Donald Trump Jr made umpteen millions in 2018 and didn’t pay a dime in tax. Most of the 1% didn’t. How about you? Did you save a lot of money with Trump’s much heralded tax break? No? The rich sure did, and that’s what matters to Trump. Remember that whatever he says, usually the opposite is true. If he promises us a tax break?

Forget it.

This isn’t a popularity contest, folks. Facts matter. Many people loved Reagan, “the great communicator”, but he was the one who started taxing Social Security, our forced savings. He also lowered the top income earners tax rate from 70% to 28%. Does that sound like something that helps “we the people”?

So why should we thank Donald Trump? I thank him for energizing the opposition. For awaking the sleeping giant of the 46.9% who didn’t care enough to vote in 2016.

As for myself, going forward? I will vote a straight Democratic ticket in 2020 to flush the commode that is the current republican party. After that, it is no longer about party. It’s about the content of a candidate’s character and remembering that the best way to predict the future is to look at the past.

I will be vigilant from now on. Republican, Democrat, Independent, whatever.

If I smell a rat, I will immediately get out the rat traps and try to rid our government of the vermin.

I hope you will too.

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