You know, the guy or lady in the grocery store, who stops
their cart in the middle of the isle, neither left nor right, oblivious to the
fact that people traffic is trying to go up and down both sides, most of us
programmed to stick to the right... They weren’t allowing access for others to
pass, they picked dead center. Apparently it never crossed their minds that
someone, or several someone’s, may be behind them and want to get by. Carts
parked in the center, backs, asses, and elbows on both sides, studying,
evaluating, meditating, over a can of crushed tomatoes on one side, and some
Mac and cheese on the other. Of course I can speak up, to whatever degree, but
that's not the point.
I swear right now; I'm not going to turn into those people.
It was worse at the entrance to the store. Two older ladies
had pulled their carts out of the horizontal stack, and met in the middle of
the doorway. Past friends, seemingly engaged in an over-the-top love fest of
“when was it” “low long” “we need to” ...lots of gushing. Those of us who were
trying to enter started to stack up. I'm sorry to be so negative, but just how
fucking clueless can people be? It was the fucking entrance to the store!
I bet a nice stun grenade would clear a path.
Then there was the older lady in the express check-out lane.
you know, ten items or less. Her purse was the size of most carry-on luggage,
and she wasn't sure where she hid her wallet in there. After digging for what
seemed like an eternity, she found it in a small compartment, inside a larger
compartment. Apparently she was out of cash and didn't really know how to use
her credit card properly so she had to write a check. Where is that checkbook
anyway? Two forms of ID please. She produced the necessary check and IDs in
excruciatingly slow motion as I wallowed in evil thoughts and an urgent need to
pee. When all of her transactions were completed and paid for, the lady in
question couldn't simply push her cart out of the way and put all her checks
and IDs back in their respective holders elsewhere so the express lane could
move again. No, she had to do all it at the register, just to make sure that
she held the bottleneck tight for as long as humanly possible.
I've never beaten an old lady before (she was probably my
age, everyone my age looks old to me) but I can definitely understand the
attraction and entertained myself with that fantasy until she was done.
Anyway, I'm starting to feel better, venting and all, but
still, if I turn into that guy, or maybe pull a Bruce Jenner and turn into that
woman, please humanely euthanize me.
Print out this post and consider it to be a permission
slip. You're welcome.