Wednesday, July 5, 2017

The 4th of July

We’re fortunate to live in a time and place where, for many of us, “the livin is easy”. That’s due in large part to the fact that we’ve been the biggest dog on the block since WWII. We "bring democracy" everywhere we go, as long as it serves our best interests to go there. 

But the dog is getting grey and the only thing we can really count on, is that it will change.
Everything does. 

What are we really talking about anyway? We’re celebrating the fact that we’ve had a good run. Like Romans wallowing in wine and excess, trying to convince ourselves of just how uniquely special we are. It’s true, we are special, but no more so than any other humans who have ever lived, regardless of how many times Lee Greenwood sings “God Bless The USA”.

The entire human species is amazing. We run the gamut from putting men on the moon to throwing them into ovens. Capable of incredible highs and lows. Here in our particular hood, we’ve had a good run for a few hundred years. A nanosecond of time in the scheme of things.

It’s OK to blow stuff up, get drunk, and pat ourselves on the back, but it enters the realm of delusion when we start to believe our own spin and take any of it too seriously. 

Rome is already burning, making way for whoever is next in line.

I smell smoke in the air.

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