Most guys will understand this and be able to identify
with it to some degree. I doubt that many women will.
I was an avid student of martial arts in my late twenties
and early thirties. Tae Kwon do and Jiu-Jitsu. One of my housemates back then,
a Gung fu guy, used to play fight with me quite frequently. We would run around
the lake that our place backed up to, barefoot, in full gi, in the middle of
the night. Stopping at the town center to fight with sticks, the concussions of
them hitting each other sounded like gunshots bouncing off of the commercial
buildings surrounding us. That probably got a few people out of bed to peek out
of their windows, trying to make sense of it as they looked out at two escapees from a bad Chinese
martial arts movie, fighting furiously at 3AM.
All my adult life I’ve been involved with some form of
physical training, distance running, circuit training, free weights, a gym rat
since college. So when Mixed Martial Arts and the UFC came along in the early
1990’s, I became a huge fan and developed a stronger practical knowledge of
“how” to fight, even if I no longer trained in fighting specifically. I’ve
always been confident in my own ability to defend myself. That confidence only increased when I started
collecting and carrying tactical fighting knives more than 20 years ago.
But the fitness regimen gets harder to stick with as I get
older, and the other side of that coin has always been my extreme love for
ganja, beer, and good food. It’s a balancing act that is increasingly hard to
I started working-out less frequently and began to get soft,
physically and mentally. My confidence took a nose dive as I felt less like a
man walking through life with strength and self-confidence, as I always had in the past.
A nasty knee injury two years ago, and the discovery that I
have a genetic propensity for blood clots that had conspired to kill me,
combined to put a severe crimp in my style.
I knew that I simply had to work harder at being fit. These
days, the knee is rehabbed, and I’m back in the gym. The blood clots are easily controlled with thinners, and I feel pretty damn good for a guy turning 70.
But a guy has to know his limitations, right? Even if I was
pushed to the wall, I can no longer afford to defend myself. I can’t fight
back. With the blood thinners, I’m like a hemophiliac Romanov, a bleeder. My
blood wont clot so I have to be extra careful to never give it reason to see
the light of day. It needs to stay inside me. Besides, if I fall, I may break a
hip and be put in a home and have to eat unsalted soft food for the rest of my
days, rocking in my chair and making gurgling sounds. Not good.
But here’s the key. The main defensive and offensive weapon
we all have is our brain. Know how to avoid trouble and get out of it if it
ambushes you. Use your head, and I don’t mean with a head butt.
Recently though, I was elated to find this statute on the
books in this great state of Florida. I now carry multiple copies to hand out
to any attacker before they attack. They may want to think twice before I hurt
their fist with my nose.
A Florida Statute:
784.08 Assault or battery on persons 65 years of age or
older; reclassification of offenses; minimum sentence.—
(1) A person who is convicted of an aggravated assault or
aggravated battery upon a person 65 years of age or older shall be sentenced to
a minimum term of imprisonment of 3 years and fined not more than $10,000 and
shall also be ordered by the sentencing judge to make restitution to the victim
of such offense and to perform up to 500 hours of community service work.
Restitution and community service work shall be in addition to any fine or
sentence which may be imposed and shall not be in lieu thereof.
And even more good news? It doesn’t matter if the attacker
knows if you are over 65 or not.
This opens a whole new world of geriatric possibilities for
me. When I’m feeling foggy, I may just wade into a restaurant crowd and start
calling guys that look at me funny, nasty names. “Hey you, semen breath! Yea,
you with the dog-faced girl. I’m talking to you!”
Then I stick the Florida statute promising a 3-year minimum
sentence if they lay a hand on me into their breast pocket and walk away.
I just hope none of them are concealed carry types. If it
were me, I would just go ahead and shoot the asshole in the back, statute or no
But if an assault does happen, after the attacker serves his
three years, he will still have to “make restitution to the victim of such offense”. Me!
My plan is to make him come to my house every day for a year
and in front of my family and invited guests, get down on the floor, make pig
sounds, and say: “Iggie Wiggie, I’m a Piggie!”
I believe in handling such things with maturity and class.