Monday, April 20, 2015

Zeppelin Boy

Throughout my life as an East Coast guy, which is all of my life, local insects have fascinated and charmed me, garnering my attention to this day. I collected them as a kid, murdered and mounted, but I evolved quickly into a lover. They were a weapon to use against my older brother when he thought it might be a good idea to alleviate his boredom by wrestling me to the ground and sitting on my face. But I could get lost in their world, and frequently did, looking at and handling bees and wasps. I knew that bumble bees were the Zeppelins of the stinging set. They're big, beautiful, and rather benign. Labrador bees. I would gently cover them with my hand and lift them from flowers. When I stopped running and opened my hand to show my brother, the tide turned, he ran, me chasing. Bumble bees, among others, were my buddies. So when I went into the laundry room this morning, and heard a buzzing, of course I looked around. There, In the bottom of the laundry sink, was a big, beautiful, healthy looking, bumble bee, drinking long and hard from a thimble sized pool of water held together down there by, cohesion, adhesion or some other form of magic that defies logic. He must have gotten trapped in that room; it opens to the driveway. As I put my hand down flat on the bottom of that deep utility sink, offering him a ride back outside, he climbed up as if he had been waiting for the elevator and the doors had just opened on his floor. He gently tasted my thumb as I opened the door to the fresh air, buzzing, bumbling really, at the end of my outstretched arm. He was just being a bumblebee. Slowly, laboriously, with what seemed like more weight than power to make himself fly, he lifted off... as if he were filled with Helium..